T.E.A.C.H. Welcomes You!


“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart…teach them diligently to your children, and talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.”

Our Name

 The name of our group was chosen to reflect some of the core values of our member families. It stands for Teaching, Excellence, Achievement and Character at Home.

Our Mission

Our goal is to be of help and encouragement to the families in Davie County and the surrounding areas, during the time that they are Homeschooling. We accomplish this by providing information and helping our members to locate resources. We are also working together to schedule enrichment activities and organizing monthly educational opportunities for parents and their children.


Membership Benefits

One of the greatest benefits of being part of any Homeschool support group is the chance for you and your children to fellowship with others who are like-minded. Our group strives to provide opportunities for you and your family to build friendships and receive positive support while you educate your children at home. 

In addition, your annual membership to T.E.A.C.H. provides your family with access to and information about the following:

* Our Newsletter
* Members Handbook 
* Membership Directory 
* Yahoo Group
* Holiday activities and socials
* Book Club
* Mom's Fellowship
* Family Fellowship
* Year End Achievement Night
* Homeschool 4H Club
* Park Days
* Field Trips
* Community Service Opportunites
* Field Day
* Parent Education Seminars

...and many other activities that T.E.A.C.H. may promote or sponsor throughout the year.

Our Focus:

Educating, and encouraging the Homeschooling parent is a major focus for our group. It is our goal to meet the needs of our students for socialization without neglecting to offer support for the parent who is responsible for the daily teaching. 

This is because we recognize that Homeschooling is a wonderful opportunity but it requires a lot of commitment on the part of a family.  Our Homeschool Support group is focused on providing an atmosphere in which mentoring can naturally take place. We also target specific areas for continuing education for parents such as; types of curriculum, learning styles information, how to teach specific subjects, Educational methods, testing etc. This is important for those who are just begining their Homeschool and for those who have been learning at home with their families for a long time.

It has been shown that this type of fellowship and continuing education has a very beneficial effect for the entire family. It reduces Homeschool "burn out" therefore  increasing  a Homeschool's longevity. It naturally reduces the stress level of the Homeschooling parent because they have a network of support within which they can have their questions answered. In addition, the parent is modeling a lifestyle of learning for their children.
The modern Home educator is blessed to have many resources from which to draw and many choices of educational materials, but the best resource we have is still one  another!    
T.E.A.C.H. Homeschool Support Group of Davie County North Carolina - We are Teaching Excellence, Achievement, and Character at Home! This is a group of Christian Home Educators who have decided to work together to provide information for Home Educators in Davie County NC and the surrounding areas. Our focus is on parent education, organizing enrichment and educational activities, field trips and fellowship opportunities for our Membership. We provide a Newsletter, Directory and a Yahoo Group as well as regular Monthly meetings for fellowship and learning!